Where You Are: Far Horizons – Left Everything And Followed
February 9, 2025
Scripture: Luke 5:1-11
Where You Are: Embracing The Familiar – In Your Hometown
February 2, 2025
Scripture: Luke 4:21-30
Where You Are: Embracing The Familiar – As Was His Custom
January 26, 2025
Scripture: Luke 4:14-21
Everyone has personal reasons for why being a part of Christian worship on a regular basis is important. When we worship in community it is an opportunity for us to focus on Jesus and offer our thanks and praise. It is also a space that we can attune our hearts to what God has for us and find something that fills our hearts or challenges us. We also know that mindless ritual and lifeless practice can make it really hard to access the spiritual parts of our lives. Would you be surprised to know that scripture tells us specifically that Jesus was intentional about joining in worship with others? Our scripture today gives us insight into Jesus’ first months of public ministry and the habits he made a priority. Luke 4:14-21 will guide our hearts and minds as we gather together in worship.
Where You Are: Embracing The Familiar – What Concern Is That?
January 19, 2025
Scripture: John 2:1-11